INNOCENT Eddie Gilfoyle
The Official Campaign Website

1. Introduction
On 4 June 1992, 32 year old Paula Gilfoyle was found hanged in the garage of her home in Upton, Wirral. She was 8½ months pregnant. Four days later, her husband Eddie Gilfoyle was arrested on suspicion of her murder. He was subsequently convicted and received a life sentence. He has consistently protested his innocence.
After 18 years imprisonment, he was released on licence in December 2010 subject to rigid restrictions which he describes as ‘worse than prison’. This website outlines the facts of Eddie Gilfoyle’s case. Serious blunders and failures were committed by the Coroner’s Officer, Merseyside Police and others at the scene of Paula Gilfoyle’s death.
The subsequent police investigation was predicated on erroneous ‘expert’ evidence which purported to show that she could not have killed herself without assistance. Crucial evidence was withheld at Eddie Gilfoyle’s 1993 trial and appeal hearings in 1995 and 2001. Throughout the two decades since his wife’s death, there has been a continuing failure by police and prosecution to disclose vital case material. At every stage of the criminal justice process, Eddie Gilfoyle was treated unfairly.
Having considered the facts, we hope you’ll agree that Eddie Gilfoyle has been the victim of a grave miscarriage of justice which must be corrected without any further delay.