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INNOCENT Eddie Gilfoyle
The Official Campaign Website

Help us
Lots of supporters of the Eddie Gilfoyle Campaign ask us how they can help, there are many ways you can help the Eddie Gilfoyle Campaign as listed below:
Get in Touch...
To contact the Eddie Gilfoyle Campaign, please go to the Contact page and fill in the details. We aim to reply as promptly as we can.
We're also on facebook and twitter, feel free to tweet us or comment! Ask your friends to subscribe to our pages & share them!

Link to us
Add our banner to your website, help us to spread awareness about the Eddie Gilfoyle case.
Here is the link:
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Join our campaign
Join the campaign by sending your name to or use the contact form. Tweet about us on twitter and share the case of Eddie Gilfoyle on facebook.
Thank you for your support!
Public Events
Ask your trade union, student union, community or youth group, tenants association, church, political party or other body to which you belong to adopt Eddie’s case and to invite speakers from the campaign. Get in touch.
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